Environmental Permitting and Compliance
A project’s location or the type of project might require permits from various Federal, State, and local agencies who protect and regulate natural resources. These include the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Water Quality Control Boards, California Department of Fish and Wildlife, and local Watershed Protection/Flood Control Districts. Projects that may impact streams, wetlands, or tidal waters such as culvert crossings, bridges, drainage outfalls, vegetation removal, dredging, streambank protection projects, and pipeline crossings often require authorizations from these agencies. Marquette Consulting, Inc. has experience with numerous projects that involved Streambed Alteration Agreements (California Department of Fish and Wildlife), Section 404 permitting (U.S. Army Corps of Engineers), Section 401 permitting (Regional Water Quality Control Board), and local agency watercourse permitting.
Many projects that result in an environmental impact have, as a component of the permit, a mitigation requirement to compensate for the project’s impacts. Marquette provides mitigation and restoration consulting and management services that augment the permit processing.